Hi there, I’m Shreyas!
For those of you who don’t know me, I am a Senior here at Northern and I am a SILC for Mr. Hischak.
This website is where I will be hosting all my study guides for your convenience.
For each study guide, there will be a link to the Google Document, but you can also read it directly from the website.
At the footer section, all of my contact information will be displayed for any questions, comments, and concerns.
Furthermore, should anyone have a question on a specific problem they encountered, I can post a solution for it over at the blog page. Now, we can even use Disqus (at the bottom of most pages) to make comments, ask questions, and have discussions!
Thanks for visiting my website and please contact me (links at the bottom) if you have any questions or comments!
Cue the nerd talk
This website was made using HTML (which was mostly generated with ALOT of Markdown), CSS, and Ruby. I used the static site generator Jekyll to make it easy for me to create posts and Bootstrap to make the site look nice.
This website is being hosted by GitHub Pages.